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My first website was a simple HTML and CSS page that I built in a class called “Web Page Design” in my freshman year of high school.

I was more interested in reading about Halo lore than being a good student, so I began slacking off in class. Late assignments, sometimes no assignments.

One day, my teacher walked up to me, put my computer to sleep, and said:

I see how you feel about this class right now, but I know that you get this stuff. You could be good at this if you’d just put in the work. If you get really good at it, you can get a job doing it right out of high school, without needing to go to college. And I’ve looked at your grades; there’s a good chance you’re not going to school.

It was that day that my teacher, Mr. Minor, convinced me to try to become a really good website maker.

For over 6 years (over 10, if you count my hobbyist projects), I’ve developed, designed, and project managed. I’ve done freelance work. I’ve worked at the smallest, scrappiest startups and giant corporations. And a video game studio.



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